Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Greenhouse Fun!

Here is the play area that my dad built for them.
They even have their little house in it since it did not fit in our apartment.

One of our empluyees loves to interact with the kids. It reminds her of her own children who wait for her to get home from work.

Playing in the dirt. We have baths every night!!!

Farmer Reid
Playing with Playdough!
Yee Hah!!!!

This picture was taken right after Reid recovered from the flu and Sydney had it the week previous to Reid. They were so tired. You can see in the picture that Reid was still not quite feeling himself yet.

Reid's Field Trip to the Museum

We went to the museum downtown yesterday morning. The museum is free and changes one of their exhibits every few months. Best of all the museum is free!! We spent a lot of time in the preschool area and then explored the rest of the museum on our own with our children. Unfortunately, my batteries went dead shortly after we arrived and I did not have replacements. So here are a few shots I took.

Reid and Nicole spin the ball to see how the water moves the sand.

The kids play in the sand as the plate below vibrates and makes it jump.

Elyse joins the boys in the bus.

Rolling the balls in the maze.

Reid and Drew play with these cool puzzles on the wall.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

What is new here?

Well, we did close on our home in Grand Rapids. That is such a relief.
After two consecutive weeks of very sick children we are finally enjoying good health. Reid and Sydney, despite having the flu shots, both had a bout of influenza and were each sick for an entire week. So, even though the greenhouses started back up again in the beginning of February, this was the first week we were able to enjoy the activity. Reid and Elyse are able to go to work with me and they have a great time running off lots of energy. My dad built a little fenced in play area for the kids so that we could keep them contained. After one day, Elyse found a way to squeeze herself through the rails and now can escape whenever she wants. On Friday, Reid was so tired, he said he was going to bed at 7:00 and tucked himself into bed and went to sleep in minutes.
Sydney has been going to school full time since January and is still doing well. One of her friends is moving back to Japan and so that is making her sad. before we started in the greenhouse she was disappointed to have snow days. Now she wants one just so she can spend a day with us in the greenhouses. She is just a little jealous of her siblings.
Tom is still working hard in school. He recently started an additional class this semester that goes for just 6 weeks. He is looking forward to spring break.
I think that is all of our news. Things are busy around here and will continue to get busier as we move into our busy greenhouse season. So I will try to update as often as I can, but it may not be very frequent.

New Pictures

Well, I never did get back to put up pictures from Christmas. However, I do have some new picture that we had taken of the girls now that the kids are all healthy again!
Check them out!