Monday, July 20, 2009

Tales of Tubes

Yeah, Elyse's tubes are in and all went well. She was such a trooper. She was able to pick a DVD and bring a toy to snuggle with. She picked Frosty, the Snowman (in July) and her little kitty. She watched the video 2. 25 times. They gave her the medication to relax her while she was watching the end the 2nd time through and when it kicked in she became super loopy. She would start giggling over nothing and could not stop. It was funny to watch her. She also began trying to reach for things and missing completely. Tom and I were crackin' up. She kept trying to sit up but could only lift her head an inch off the pillow. She began by slurring her words a little and quickly changed to completely incoherent.

After her procedure was over, we met her in the recovery room. When we walked in, I could her crying. She became the angry drunk!! She was inconsolable. She stopped momentarily to eat a popsicle and started back up as soon as she swallowed the last bite. The nurse gave her a second popsicle while she went through discharge info. The only thing that made her perk up was when we said she could get her clothes on so we could leave. On the way out, I was carrying her and she could barely hold her head up because she was still so out of it.

On the way home, we stopped at McDonalds for some breakfast. While we waited in line at the drive through, Elyse requested Chicken Nuggets and French Fries. As you know, they do not serve that in the morning, she started to lose it. Well, since she was so looped up and tired, we thought we would try to appease her and headed over to Wendy's for Chicken Nuggets and Fries. When we pulled in the driveway of Wendy's, she fell apart and absolutely went beyond reason. She wanted McDonalds and we could not even get through to her that if she wanted nuggets we would have to go to Wendy's. In the end, we caved and returned to McDonald's and ordered her eggs and pancakes. After looking at if for a while, she smiled and decided that was better than nuggets and fries!

Well, when we finally got her home, she really wanted us to stop carrying her. Tom put her down and she quickly figured out that she couldn't even hold herself up. I set up a "picnic area" on the floor so she would not fall out of a chair. So she started to reach for something in front of her and fell flat on her face and proceeded to giggle hysterically. It was so funny.

Sydney clarified Elyse's behavior in her own terms! "Oh so she is like the man in black in The Princess Bride?" We had just watched the movie yesterday!



What a story!!!! Hope Elyse will not have anymore ear infections. Loved the slide show from the 4th of July. Hope to hear from you soon....Love G & G Stilson

Unknown said...

What a rollercoaster of emotions huh? That's funny though... How's she doing now?

Unknown said...

oh for crying out loud. i'm signed in as the youth pastor for the google calendar (eric) and apparently he has a blogspot.
sorry, this is shell.